5/22/22 the case for the catholic astrologer - by fr. greg

This may come as a surprise to some, but even the most traditional Catholics are not forbidden from practicing astrology. Though many Catholics and even Priests may tell you that astrology is forbidden and even occult, it is not - St. Thomas Aquinas wrote at length in favor of astrological works and divinations in his Summa Theologica, Question 115, Articles 3-6.

The difference is this: Astrology may not be used to deny free will, or imply that an individual is bound to act a particular way due to a particular alignment of planets; the planets must not be treated as gods or having power of their own beyond that of God's natural world. It is not an occultist or even "New Age" notion to consider it is possible, or true, that celestial bodies can influence human passions and natures. However, the human Will is supreme. The aforementioned distinction is why I feel compelled to argue so heartily against the tendency towards fatalism in astrology, and against ascribing too much power to the influences of celestial bodies, while at the same time arguing in favor of astrology's use.

It is true that some Church fathers argued against astrology. However, their arguments must be considered in the proper context of their time. They were arguing against astrology as it was practiced by unscrupulous charlatans, astrology done in precisely the way I, (and Thomas Aquinas) have argued against: done wrong, practiced in a way that ignores free will. Even the staunchest anti-astrologer of his time, St. Augustine, conceded in Book 5, Chapter 6 of his City of God that it is "...Not altogether absurd to say that certain sidereal influences have some power to cause differences in bodies alone."

Such dubious, falsely named astrology continues to be practiced now, by many people, whether online or offline - Sylvia Browne is a great example of an amoral "psychic" who was able to grift her way into fame and fortune by preying on weak, vulnerable and mourning people. The internet and social media are no different, and have provided an excellent breeding ground for people of similar amorality. It is important to beware of the "intuitive" astrologer, the "clairvoyant" psychic. Chances are, all they are hearing is the sound of their bank account growing fatter as a result of their client's despair.

With all of that in mind, I maintain that it is not only acceptable, but even right for the Catholic to follow and apply astrological arts to his life, when applied correctly. The actions of a few disreputable people do not disprove the validity of this ancient art, nor do they make it unorthodox for a Catholic to practice it. The only thing whatsoever that is forbidden is the belief that it supersedes or denies the human Free Will.

the zodiac window of chartres cathedral