addressing misconceptions about astrology - by fr. greg

1. Astrology is a religion.

I have encountered this misunderstanding a lot lately in discussion groups. Astrology is neither a religion nor a belief system. While "religion" is hard to define, all religions share one common trait: they identify a fundamental problem of the human condition, and they propose a way to solve it. For example, in Shinto, the problem is a disconnection from nature; communion with the Kami solves it. In Buddhism, the problem is attachment; total non-attachment solves it. Etc.) Astrology does not provide solutions to any problem, it shows where the problems may lie so that you can exercise your free will and judgement to make a decision. For centuries, it was used primarily in mundane ways, to plan man's seasonal labors. Which brings me to my next point...

2. Christians are forbidden to practice Astrology.

Not true, at least within the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches. Some priests and more conservative commentators may claim that astrology is evil, but their warnings stem from a fundamental misunderstanding of what astrology actually is. Astrology used correctly is not fortune telling, because the free will of those who use it is enhanced, rather than invalidated. Free will becomes invalidated when someone says to their client, for example, "your relationship is doomed" or "you will die alone". This type of predatory and superstitious practice is what the church fathers railed against, and rightfully so. But other church doctors, like Thomas Aquinas, wrote a lot about the usefulness of astrology. See my other posts on Christianity and astrology for more info.

3. Astrology was invented by the Greeks and therefore Hellenistic astrology is superior.

Not correct. Astrology has its roots in prehistory, as one of the oldest systems of seasonal observation. There is evidence of man observing the seasons via the stars as far back as 50,000 years ago, and astrological observations first appeared in writing around 7,000 years ago. No one "invented" astrology, rather it developed organically alongside mankind. As humans settled down and became more agrarian, they had more time to observe the night skies, and more complex methods of observation and recording began to emerge. The ecliptic plane is visible from everywhere on earth. The Zodiac is universal, and it is a fundamental aspect in the development of human culture.

Hellenistic astrology has gained a foothold as the "most legitimate" type of western astrology because of the online popularity of its proponents claims to ancient roots, despite only dating to neoplatonist times. Christianity is older, to put it into perspective. And while aspects of Hellenistic astrology are certainly useful, we must be wary of the temptation to fall into the "error of antiquarianism" that often crops up in metaphysical circles of any kind. Times have changed since these codes were written and so have the issues to which astrology is applied. Keep an open mind. Remember, astrology is not a religion and you are not bound to any one system. Astrologers are scientists in their own way; observe, and use your brain.

4. Astrology and Tarot are the same; Astrology is an intuitive, channeled art.

Just no. Astrology is a system of observation, it is a science. As with any endeavor, a skilled practitioner will develop an intuitive understanding of its patterns over time, some quicker than others. But they are still bound by the system. There is no such thing as "channeled" astrology; this falls into the category of immoral soothsaying as I discussed in question 2.

There has been a lot of New Age cross pollenation in the astrology community since the 1950s or so. Just keep in mind that anyone trying to sell you on channeled past life readings or twin flame indicators has their basis in New Age hustle culture. They are likely trying to "build their spiritual business" and take your money. See someone reputable, preferably certified. And better yet, if you're having difficulties, pray and go to church.

the stars with a 4,000 year old Bristlecone pine, the most ancient living trees