4/1/22 new moon - by brooke


“To return to the source of things, one has to travel in the opposite direction.” -René Daumal


Tomorrow’s new moon occupies Aries’ 3rd decan, represented as the 3 of Wands (Virtue) while Mercury (The Magus/Magician) sits conjunct in the 2nd decan of Aries, represented as the 2 of Wands (Dominion.)

These energies are going to hit us like a bolt of lightning. In Kabbalistic study, there is understood to be a polarity between 2 and 3, which manifests as FORCE (2) into FORM (3). The Thoth deck reflects this with its strong symbolism for the 2 and 3 of Wands. The 2 card is using Tibetan ritualistic objects related to ma Kali, while the 3 presents us with something more subtle, symmetrical, truly “virtuous.” The Magus between them emphasizes an insatiable lust for result. The tools at his disposal are plentiful, and in part dedicated to “She Who is the Great Destroyer.” Coupled with the water heavy energy from a Jupiter/Neptune conjunction - which culminates exactly on April 12th - we are without a doubt going to see some serious clashing of egos. If you have any desire for self-preservation, this is the time to step back and let others sort it out. The next couple of weeks will showcase all kinds of reversals of perspective, for both the individual and the collective. Remain open minded & flexible - adapt to your surroundings.

Jupiter (Fortune) and Neptune (The Hanged Man) have been conjunct for some time now, as both planets move relatively slow. This new moon sees them in Pisces’ 3rd decan, or the 10 of Cups - a card that should be a familiar for those who have read previous posts. That 10 of Cups “ending” ushered in by the Pisces full moon has now cycled all the way through the karmic wheel of Fortune, leading us to a crossroad. Based on the rest of the energy at play, you would do well to wait there for a bit. The only decision you should make for now is to not make one.

Elias Lonsdale writes about this new moon’s exact degree of Aries, which synchronizes perfectly with the common themes here;

“Bondage and freedom sometimes go hand in hand. The bondage is being true to pattern, predictable, caught in habits and tendencies perpetually left to grow like weeds. The freedom is that as you meet yourself starkly in the midst of these old, tired patterns of behavior, you come into touch with a quickening flame of self-recreation, stimulated and forced by being at the mercy of the relentless patterns.

This impulse to make yourself over is fervently strong, courageous, ready, and willing. The old stuff dies hard. You are therefore engaged in a pitched battle of a protracted kind between retrogressive and progressive ideals, impulses, and desires. Both sides are so impassioned and sharply intent that this becomes a knockdown, drag out battle of wills.

The atavistic backward-leaning will feels immune to change.

The visionary forward-thrusting will feels moved by evolutionary forces, never to give up.

Eventually the future prevails over the past, but not before scars and multiple traumas mark the spot of fighting for your life against an implacable inward enemy who knows it will lose and fights all the harder accordingly.”