3/2/22 new moon - by brooke


“Spectacle is the sun that never sets over the empire of modern passivity” - Guy Debord


The Pisces new moon, in the sign's second decan, is sextile the planet of change, upheaval, and chaos; Uranus. 9 of Cups rules this moon transit, while Uranus is currently occupying the space represented by the 6 of Disks, or Pentacles. Astrologically, we know Jupiter in aspect to these planets can expand, but in what direction, and at what cost? The cards together symbolize happiness, success, attainment… but, take the planetary flavor into consideration and we might have deeper meaning to marinate on.

9 of Cups (decan 2 Pisces) + The Priestess (the moon) is telling us that joyful, winning feeling is coming from within. We are internally “thinking positive”, but we cannot avoid that this is willed directly from the subconscious, and it’s lacking empathy. Not as a form of punishment, but as a sort of karmic “knowing”. This knowing is disguised as idleness, which has officially festered into a pure, putrid state. Delusions and fantasies serve no purpose at the moment, but it is our default setting, and we are comfortable with this.

6 of Disks (decan 2 Taurus) + The Fool (Uranus) paints this theme with a broader stroke. The Thoth tarot deck shows us the 6 of Disks as the macrocosm - that is, the small picture, which feels like the big picture to us, because it is what is commonly considered, and plainly tangible. Again, our comfort zone. When occupied by the energy of Uranus, or The Fool, we should really ponder WHOSE conscious reality we’ve accepted as our refuge, as our security…. and why.

This is idealism. Temporary success is success, but it is fleeting. As a whole these energies give us a picture which is more profound than we likely want to admit. Also taking into consideration one of most important mundane transits of our lifetime, The United States of America’s Pluto return - represented by the tarot card Aeon in the Thoth deck, and Judgement in many others. We’ve got ourselves a real moment to contemplate.

Listen closely, could we finally be hearing the death rattle of the Age of Pisces? Those who study the past/present/future Age of Aquarius will note that there’s never been a collective agreement on when this new timeline of our existence will begin. Frater Achad dubbed this ‘The Aeon of Ma’at’, and regardless of scholarly debate on this shift of ages, Achad thoughtfully pointed out its date of inception is largely irrelevant. Aquarius (and Uranus) is represented not as two waves of water, but as a dual electric current. We are within the gateway of this wavelength, stuck in liminal space. If you were grasping for a sign before making any changes, hold onto this moment. You cannot keep delaying the inevitable.

But, how can we move forward with such a schism of understanding? How are we to evolve when we cling so desperately to the comfort of what is known? There is little doubt the coming spring equinox - the rebirth into the astrological new year - will answer these questions for us. Especially if we refuse to find the answers ourselves.